Auburn Teachers Association
Member Re-Entry Policy
Any member who leaves the association and then requests re-entry will have to undergo a 30 school day waiting period and adhere to the following;
● The re-entering member must pay local dues retro-actviley for the current school year up to the date of re-entry.
● The re-entering member will not be able to run for an officer or building rep position until they have been a member in good standing for one full year from date of re-entry.
● The re-entering member will not be able to vote in an election or for a contract ratification until they have been a member in good standing for 60 school days.
● The association will not be responsible for any infractions or discipline that have occurred while the person was not a member in good standing or during the 30 day waiting period.
A “Member In Good Standing” is defined as:
● Any member who is current on dues, or any re-entering member who is current on dues and has undergone the 30 day re-entry waiting period.